Desert Technologies Factory is the first Saudi factory to export solar panels to the German market.

تم النشر في الخميس 2022-04-21
In line with the objectives of Vision 2030:
Desert Technologies Factory is the first Saudi factory to export solar panels to the German market.
Desert Technologies Factory, the first Saudi factory to manufacture and export solar panels in the Kingdom and affiliated with the leading company in renewable energy solutions “Desert Technologies” group, signed an agreement with the Swiss/German Group meeco to export its solar panels to Germany to implement several projects in the city of Lambsheim. This agreement comes after the success of the factory located in the industrial zone in Jeddah in exporting its products to Egypt, Jordan, North African countries, Greece and the United States of America. As well as providing many local projects with solar panels, as part of the factory’s strategy aimed at expanding into new markets in the European continent during the next phase. The factory, which began production in 2011, is the first and largest factory in the production and export of solar panels in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Middle East.
A statement issued by the Desert Technologies Group stated: “The agreement signed in the German city of Lambsheim places the Desert Technologies Factory in a leading position in the German and European market, and enhances its position in the production and export of Saudi solar panels at the local, regional and international levels.”
Eng. Majed Al-Refaie, the Group Chief Commercial Officer at Desert Technologies Factory, said that the signing of this agreement comes as part of the factory’s geographical expansion in the field of export, adding that this partnership allows them to strongly enter to the German markets which is an active market in the field of solar and renewable energy. He also explained his company’s endeavor to achieve tangible development in the Saudi export sector, targeting new markets and increasing the Kingdom’s exports of solar panels to many Arab, African and European markets, pointing out that there are great opportunities to increase Saudi exports of products dedicated to the production of solar energy to European markets. He continued that the Desert Technologies Factory is the most advanced in the manufacturer of photovoltaic units in the Kingdom and the Middle East, and the high quality and performance manufactured units monitored by Gulf Renewable Energy Lab (Accredited by ILAC & IECEE) are suitable for all investment, commercial and residential projects. The Desert Technologies model is Industrially based on crystalline silicon and the production lines use a fully automated manufacturing process supported by With, the latest technological equipment from Germany, Switzerland and Finland to maximize productivity and ensure a high-quality product. These PV modules successfully passed all design and safety qualification requirements performed by Gulf Renewable Energy Lab in Dammam, Saudi Arabia.
At the conclusion of his statement, Eng. Al-Refai stressed that the strategy of the Desert Technologies Factory aims to be in line with the capabilities and objectives of the Kingdom’s Vision 2030 and the Made in Saudi Program, as the factory is one of the first Saudi factories to join the “Made in Saudi” program emanating from the National Industrial Development and Logistics Program (NIDLP), which aims to stimulate national industries, encourage consumers to purchase local goods, develop and enhance the Kingdom’s non-oil exports to global markets, advance the national product, support supply chains and localize key components in the field of renewable energy. Concluding his statement with: “we are proud that our factory is part of the National Energy and Initiative Program, where our solar panels exported to many Arab, African and European markets, and many strategic projects in the Kingdom represent the pride of the Saudi industry.”