CST Announces the Qualified Applicants for the Specialized Radio Network License to serve the Industrial and Business Sectors

تم النشر في الأثنين 2024-05-20The Communications, Space & Technology Commission (CST) announces the qualification of Saudi Telecommunications Company (STC), and Global Digital Integrated Solutions Company (Aramco Digital) to compete for the specialized radio network license. These applicants will undergo the evaluation phase as per the published Information Memorandum document.
CST clarifies that the Specialized Radio Network represents a national objective to serve the industrial and business sectors through a dedicated network, operating on the latest global wireless technologies. This network will aim to cater to the specialized needs of various sectors and aims to achieve the Kingdom’s leadership in providing specialized broadband communications services.
The provision of such a license would contribute to the digital transformation in several sectors such as industry, energy, transport, health and more. It would also enable the 4th industrial revolution and industrial (IoT) applications,
CST indicated that it will announce the winner of the competition for the specialized radio network license after completing the technical assessment stage of the qualified applications.