English news

A Patient with prolonged uterine bleeding begins recovery following interventional radiology treatment at IMC


تم النشر في الأربعاء 2023-08-16

23-year-old patient recently arrived at the International Medical Center (IMC) in very poor health and psychological state due to persistent uterine bleeding. She had suffered a miscarriage and consequently needed a dilation and curettage procedure. However, after that procedure, she suffered prolonged bleeding for 9 months, leading to severe anemia and frequent blood transfusions and hospitalization.

Healing is easy once the accurate diagnosis made then followed by a specific treatment plan, is the first step toward recovery.

When the case was presented to Dr. Turki Al Hazmi, Interventional Radiology Consultant at IMC, he requested an MRI of the uterus with contrast and diagnosed the patient with uterine arteriovenous malformation (AVM).

The patient’s physical and psychological state changed completely once a clear diagnosis and treatment plan was established. The plan required a delicate procedure that requires great medical expertise known as uterine artery embolization with injection of certain dedicated specific embolization materials in the in the bleeding uterine arteries done by interventional radiologist. Dr. Turki Al Hazmi led the medical team that performed the procedure, in collaboration with the Anesthesia and Nursing teams.

Thanks to God, the uterine artery embolization succeeded and the bleeding completely stopped. Only one day later, the patient was discharged from the hospital, which allowed her to recover and return to her normal life gradually after long months of fatigue, bleeding, hospitalization, and blood transfusions. The patient had regular follow-up appointments at IMC after that. Three months after the procedure, she had follow up MRI of the uterus which showed that she had recovered completely.

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