English news

CST Announces that the “Data Center Services Regulations” Document has Entered Into Force


تم النشر في الأثنين 2024-01-01

The Communications, Space and Technology Commission (CST) announces that the “Data Center Services Regulations” document entered into force on 1 January 2024, and will be applied to all data center service providers in Saudi Arabia.

CST emphasized that the regulations would enhance the quality of services, protect users, and encourage investments in data center services. The regulations will facilitate the implementation of plans and projects to develop investment in the  data center sector, and will assist in to enhance Saudi Arabia’s position as a regional hub in the region.

CST invites all data center service providers to review the document here, and register via: https://www.cst.gov.sa/ar/services/Pages/data-cente-services.aspx




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